Attempting a toy model of vertebrate understanding

Tag: explore

Essay 22 issues: subthalamic nucleus simulation

The essay 22 simulation explored a striatum model where the two decision paths competed: odor seeking vs random exploration, using dopamine to bias between exploration and seeking. This model resembled striatum theories like [Bariselli et al. 2020] that consider the stratum’s direct and indirect paths as competing between approach and avoidant actions.

Issues in essay 22 include both neuroscience divergence and simulation problems. Although the simulation is a loose functional model, that laxity isn’t infinite and it may have gone too far from the neuroscience.

Adenosine and perseveration

Seeking and foraging have a perseveration problem: the animal must eventually give up on a failed cue, or it will remain stuck forever. The give-up circuit in essay 22 uses the lateral habenula (Hb.l) to integrate search time until it reaches a threshold to give up. An alternative circuit in the stratum itself involves the indirect path (S.d2), the D2 dopamine receptor and adenosine, with a behaviorally relevant time scale.

When fast neurotransmitters are on the order of 10 milliseconds, creating a timeout on the order of a few minutes is a challenge. Two possible solutions in that timescale are long term potentiation (LTP) where “long” means about 20 minutes, and astrocyte calcium accumulation, which is also about 10 to 20 minutes.

Adenosine receptors (A2r) in the striatum indirect path (S.d2) measure broad neural activity from ATP byproducts that accumulate in the intercellular space. Over 10 minutes those A2r can produce internal calcium ion (Ca) in the astrocytes or via LTP to enhance the indirect path. Enhancing the indirect path (exploration), eventually causes a switch from the direct path (seeking) to exploration, essentially giving-up on the seeking.

Ventral striatum

Although the essay models the dorsal striatum (S.d), the ventral striatum (S.v aka nucleus accumbens) is more associated with exploration and food seeking. In particularly, the olfactory path for food seeking goes through S.v, while midbrain motor actions use S.d. In salamanders, the striatum only processes midbrain (“collo-“) thalamic inputs, while olfactory and direct senses (“lemno-“) go to the cortex [Butler 2008]. Assuming the salamander path is more primitive, the essay’s use of S.d in the model is a likely mistake.

But S.v raises a new issue because S.v doesn’t use the subthalamus (H.stn) [Humphries and Prescott 2009]. Although, that model only applies to the S.v shell ( not the S.v core (S.core).

Ventral striatum pathway. MLR midbrain locomotive region, P.v ventral pallidum, ventral striatum shell, Vta ventral tegmental area.

In the above diagram of a striatum shell circuit, an odor-seek path is possible through the ventral tegmental area (Vta) but there is no space for an alternate explore path.

Low dopamine and perseveration

[Rutledge et al. 2009] investigates dopamine in the context of Parkinson’s disease (PD), which exhibits perseveration as a symptom. In contrast to the essay, PD is a low dopamine condition, and adding dopamine resolves the perseveration. But that resolve is the opposite of essay 22’s dopamine model, where low dopamine resolved perseveration.

Now, it’s possible that give-up perseveration and Parkinson’s perseveration are two different symptoms, or it’s possible that the complete absence of dopamine differs from low tonic dopamine, but in either case, the essay 22 model is too simple to explain the striatum’s dopamine use.

Dopamine burst vs tonic

Dopamine in the striatum has two modes: burst and tonic. Essay 22 uses a tonic dopamine, not phasic. The striatum uses phasic dopamine to switch attention to orient to a new salient stimulus. The phasic dopamine circuit is more complicated than the tonic system because it requires coordination with acetylcholine (ACh) from the midbrain laterodorsal tegmentum (V.ldt) and pedunculopontine (V.ppt) nuclei.

A question for the essays is whether that phasic burst is primitive to the striatum, or a later addition, possibly adding an interrupt for orientation to an earlier non-interruptible striatum.

Explore semantics

The word “explore” is used differently by behavioral ecology and in reinforcement learning, despite both using foraging-like tasks. These essays have been using explore in the behavioral ecology meaning, which may cause confusion on the reinforcement learning sense. The different centers on a fixed strategy (policy) compared with changing strategies.

In behavioral ecology, foraging is literal foraging, animals browsing or hunting in a place and moving on (giving up) if the place doesn’t have food [Owen-Smith et al. 2010]. “Exploring” is moving on from an unproductive place, but the policy (strategy) remains constant because moving on is part of the strategy. The policy for when to stay and when to go [Headon et al. 1982] often follows the marginal value theorem [Charnov 1976], which specifies when the animal should move on.

In contract, reinforcement learning (RL) uses “explore” to mean changing the policy (strategy). For example, in a two-armed bandit situation (two slot machines), the RL policy is either using machine A or using machine B, or a fixed probabilistic ratio, not a timeout and give-up policy. In that context, exploring means changing the policy not merely switching machines.

[Kacelnick et al. 2011] points out that the two-choice economic model doesn’t match vertebrate animal behavior, because vertebrates use an accept-reject decision [Cisek and Hayden 2022]. So, while the two-armed bandit may be useful in economics, it’s not a natural decision model for vertebrates.

Avoidance (nicotinic receptors in M.ip)

The simulation uncovered a foraging problem, where the animal remained around an odor patch it had given up on, because the give-up strategy reverts to random search. Instead, the animal should leave the current place and only resume search when its far away.

Path of simulated animal after giving up on a food odor.

In the diagram above, the animal remains near the abandoned food odor. The tight circles are the earlier seek before giving up, and the random path afterwards is the continued search. A better strategy would leave the green odor plume and explore other areas of the space.

As a possible circuit, the habenula (Hb.m) projects to the interpeduncular nucleus (M.ip) uses both glutamate and ACh as neurotransmitters, where ACh amplifies neural output. For low signals without ACh, the animal approaches the object, but high signals with ACh switch approach to avoidance. This avoidance switching is managed by the nicotine receptor (each) which is studied for nicotine addiction [Lee et al. 2019].

An interesting future essay might explore using nicotinic aversion to improve foraging by leaving an abandoned odor plume.


Bariselli S, Fobbs WC, Creed MC, Kravitz AV. A competitive model for striatal action selection. Brain Res. 2019 Jun 15;1713:70-79.

Butler, Ann. (2008). Evolution of the thalamus: A morphological and functional review. Thalamus & Related Systems. 4. 35 – 58.

Charnov, Eric L. Optimal foraging, the marginal value theorem. Theoretical population biology 9.2 (1976): 129-136.

Cisek P, Hayden BY. Neuroscience needs evolution. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2022 Feb 14;377(1844):20200518.

Headon T, Jones M, Simonon P, Strummer J (1982) Should I Stay or Should I Go. On Combat Rock. CBS Epic.

Humphries MD, Prescott TJ. The ventral basal ganglia, a selection mechanism at the crossroads of space, strategy, and reward. Prog Neurobiol. 2010 Apr;90(4):385-417.

Kacelnik A, Vasconcelos M, Monteiro T, Aw J. 2011. Darwin’s ‘tug-of-war’ vs. starlings’ ‘horse-racing’: how adaptations for sequential encounters drive simultaneous choice. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 65, 547-558.

Lee HW, Yang SH, Kim JY, Kim H. The Role of the Medial Habenula Cholinergic System in Addiction and Emotion-Associated Behaviors. Front Psychiatry. 2019 Feb 28

Owen-Smith N, Fryxell JM, Merrill EH. Foraging theory upscaled: the behavioural ecology of herbivore movement. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2010 Jul 27;365(1550):2267-78. 

Rutledge RB, Lazzaro SC, Lau B, Myers CE, Gluck MA, Glimcher PW. Dopaminergic drugs modulate learning rates and perseveration in Parkinson’s patients in a dynamic foraging task. J Neurosci. 2009 Dec 2

Essay 22: Subthalamic Nucleus

After essay 21 changed the animal’s default movement to a Lévy exploration, it’s immediate to ask whether that random search is a full action, just like a seek turn or an avoid turn. An if exploration is a controlled action, then the model needs to treat exploration as a full action, like approach or avoid.

Exploration as a full locomotive system at the level of approach and avoid.

[Cisek 2020] identifies a vertebrate system for exploration, including the hippocampus (E.hc) and its associated nuclei such as the retromammilary hypothalamus (H.rm aka supramammilary). Essay 22 considers the idea of treating the subthalamic nucleus (H.stn) as part of the exploration circuit.

Subthalamic nucleus

H.stn is a hypothalamic nucleus from the same area as H.rm, which is part of the hippocampal theta circuit, which synchronizes exploration and spatial memory and learning. However, H.stn is part of the basal ganglia and not directly connected with the exploration system.

[Watson et al. 2021] finds a locomotive function of H.stn, where specific stimulation by the parafascicular thalamus ( to H.stn starts locomotion. If the stimulation is one-sided, the animal moves forward with a wide turn to the contralateral side. includes efference copies of motor actions from the MLR as well as from other midbrain actions.

Locomotion induced in the H.stn by stimulation. H.stn sub thalamic nucleus, parafascicular nucleus, MLR midbrain locomotor region.

For essay 22, let’s consider the H.stn locomotion as exploration. Since H.stn is part of the basal ganglia, the bulk of essay 22 is considering how exploration might fit into the proto-striatum model of essay 18.

Striatal attention and persistence

Since the current essay simulation animal is an early Cambrian proto-vertebrate, it doesn’t have a full basal ganglia. Evolutionarily, the full basal ganglia architecture could not have sprung into being fully formed; it must have developed in smaller step. Following a hypothetical evolutionary path, the essays are only implementing a simplified striatal model, adding features step-by-step. Unfortunately, because there’s no living species with a partial basal ganglia — all vertebrates have the full system — the essay’s steps are pure invention.

The initial striatum of essay 18 was a partial solution to a simulation problem: persistence. When the animal hit a wall head on, activating both touch sensors, it would choose randomly left or right, but because the simulation is real-time not turn-based, at the next tick both sensors remained active and the animal would choose randomly again, jittering at the wall until enough turns of the same direction escaped the barrier.

proto-striatum circuit for persistence by attention.
Proto-striatum for persistence by attention. Action feedback biases the choice to the last option: win-stay. reticulospinal motor command, Ob olfactory bulb, MLR midbrain locomotor region, Snc substantia nigra pars compacta (posterior tuberculum).

The main sense-to-action path is from the olfactory bulb (O.b) through the substantia nigra (Snc aka posterior tuberculum in zebrafish) to the midbrain locomotor region (MLR) and to the reticulospinal motor command neurons (, following the tracing and locomotive study of [Derjean et al. 2010] in zebrafish and Vta/Snc control of locomotion in [Ryczko et al. 2017]. The proto-striatum circuit is built around that olfactory-seeking circuit, acting persistent attention.

The proto-striatal model uses an efference copy of the last action from the MLR to bias the choice of the next action via a MLR to to striatum path. The model biases the choice through removing inhibition of the odor to action path. If the last action as left, the left odor is disinhibited, making it more likely to win.

The striatal system uses disinhibition for noise reasons. [Cohen et al. 2009] studied attention in the visual system and found that attention removed coherent noise by removing inhibition. By removing inhibition, the attended circuit is less affected by the controlling circuit’s noise.

Note: essay 19 considered an alternative solution to the attention issue by following the nucleus isthmi system in zebrafish as studied in [Grubert et al. 2006], where the attention to the win-stay odor used acetylcholine (ACh) amplification to bias the choice.

Striatal columns: approach and avoid

An immediate difficulty with the simple proto-striatal model is the lack of priority. Although left vs right have equal priority, avoiding a predator is more important than seeking a potential food source. Unfortunately, the proto-striatum treats all options equally. As a solution, essay 18 split the striatum into columns, where each column resolves an internal conflict without priority (“within-system”) and the columns are compared separately (“between-systems”), where “within-system” and “between-system” are from [Cisek 2019].

Proto-striatum columns for maintaining attention.
Dual striatum column for approach and avoid, where MLR resolves the final conflict. reticulospinal command neuron, somatosensory (touch), MLR midbrain locomotive region, M.pag periaqueductal gray, Ob olfactory bulb, S.ot olfactory tubercle, S.d dorsal striatum.

Subthalamic nucleus and exploration

If we now treat exploration as a distinct action system, then it needs its own control system and column in the proto-striatum. The within-system choice for exploration is the left and right turns for a random walk, and the between-system choices are between the exploration system and the odor-seeking system.

As a possible neural correlate of exploration, consider the sub thalamic nucleus (H.stn). The sub thalamic nucleus is derived from the hypothalamus, specifically from the same area as the retromammilary area (H.rm aka supramammilary), which is highly correlated with hippocamptal theta, locomotion and exploration.

[Watson et al. 2021] finds a locomotive function of H.stn, where specific stimulation by the parafascicular thalamus ( produces locomotion via the midbrain locomotive region (MLR). includes efference copies of motor actions from the MLR as well as other midbrain action efference copies. In the proto-striatum model, the feedback from MLR to striatum uses

Exploration locomotive path through H.stn. H.stn sub thalamic nucleus, MLR midbrain locomotive region, parafascicular thalamus.

Seek and explore with dual striatal columns

Suppose the striatum manages both odor seeking (chemotaxis) and default exploration (Lévy walk). The two actions are conflicting with a complex priority system. When a food odor first appears, the animal should seek toward it (priority to seek), but if no food exists the animal should resume exploration (priority to explore). To resolve the between-system conflict, the two strategies need to columns with lateral inhibition to ensure that only one is selected.

Dual striatum columns for seek and explore strategies. reticulospinal motor command, H.stn sub thalamic nucleus, Ob olfactory bulb, globus pallidus external, S.d1 direct striatum projection, S.d2 indirect striatum projection, Snc substantia nigra pars compacta, Snr substantia nigra pars reticulata.

Selecting the seek column enables the odor sense to MLR path, seeking the potential food odor. Selecting the explore column enables the H.stn to MLR path, randomly searching for food.

Note: the double inversion in both paths is to reduce neuron noise [Cohen et al. 2009]. Removing inhibition reduces noise, where adding excitation would add noise. In the essay stimulation, this double negation isn’t necessary.

Striatum with dopamine/habenula control

The previous dual column circuit isn’t sufficient for the problem, because it lacks a control signal to switch between exploit (seek) and explore. The striatum dopamine circuit might help this problem by bringing in the foraging implementation from essay 17.

A major problem in essay 17 was the tradeoff between persistence and perseverance in seeking an odor. Persistence ensures that seeking an odor will continue even when the intermittent. Perseverance is a failure mode where the animal never gives up, like a moth to a flame. As a model, consider using dopamine in the striatum as persistence or effort [Salamone et al. 2007], and control of dopamine by the habenula as solving perseverance with a give-up circuit.

Explore and exploit (seek) columns controlled by dopamine. H.l lateral hypothalamus, Hb.l lateral habenula, H.stn sub thalamic nucleus, MLR midbrain locomotive region, Ob olfactory bulb, P.em pre thalamic eminence, globus pallidus external, S.d1 striatum direct projection, S.d2 striatum indirect projection, Snc substantia nigra pars compacta, Snr substantia nigra pars reticulata.

The striatum uses two opposing dopamine receptors named D1 and D2. D1 is a stimulating modulator though a G.s protein path, and D2 is an inhibiting modulator through a G.i protein path. In the above diagram, high dopamine will activate the seek column via D1 and inhibiting the explore column via D2. Low dopamine inhibits the seek column and enables the explore column. So dopamine becomes an exploit vs explore controller.

In many primitive animals, dopamine is a food signal. In c.elegans the dopamine neuron is a food-detecting sensory neuron. In vertebrates, the hunger and food-seeking areas like the lateral hypothalamus (H.l) strongly influence midbrain dopamine neurons both directly and indirectly. Indirectly, H.l to lateral habenula (Hb.l) causes non-reward aversion [Lazaridis et al. 2019].

For the essay, I’m taking H.l as multiple roles (H.l is a composite area with at least nine sub-areas [Diaz et al. 2023]), both calculating potential reward (odor) via the H.l to Vta/Snc connection, and cost (exhaustion of seek task without success) via the H.l to Hb.l to Vta/Snc connection.


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